Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 17 - El Dia del Virgin Carmen Fiesta

Wednesday July Fifteenth
      The first thing I noticed this morning was that I had titled all the previous posts with the wrong month, June instead of July! Haha! It's so hard to keep track of time in the summer! I think I fixed them all know though.
         Today was a very exciting day at work because we were celebrating the day of Virgin Mary, or as she is known here virgin Carmen, and being a very catholic country the celebration was huge!
Here the teacher's assistant in my classroom Mary is doing my hair, and they also gave us the traditional clothes I am wearing!
The final result! Pretty cool ecspecially the hat ☺️
Me and the shrine for the virgin.
Just when you thought the kids couldn't get any cuter!
Not that they cared too much for the historical significance of the clothes as it hindered their ability to play!
Hunter with Christian who appropriately chose devil horns as he is a trouble maker! But too cute not to overlook that :)
Hunter with some more kids :)
Coincidence! Me and the other girl in the class called Adrianna happened to be wearing the same thing! Haha!

Finally found a picture of traditional clothing.
     After a service by a priest who came specially for the occasion, a band started playing and unexpectedly, for me anyway, we all started marching out onto the busy streets with 80 three, four and five year old's, are we crazy?!
The first road we marched on which was relatively quiet, that is relative to the next one.
Then we went right out onto the main road, six lanes across with a median in the middle! What the heck?! Who planned this?! How insane?!
No one had told the traffic control or anything like that and being at the back of the parade I was constantly trying to make sure my kids weren't getting run over by the ominous mass of annoyed cars following us! Literally one of the craziest things I've done!
It was a little to far for Avril!
    I got home tired but very happy, what an experience! 
    When I got home we celebrated U.S. Caroline's birthday with some delicious cupcakes! She's one of the funest people! I hope she has an awesome year being twenty three!
     Then Colleen one of the other volunteers came over with some other big news, her boyfriend had proposed at Macchu Picchu! Isn't that the most romantic thing! What an awesome place to be proposed to, at the top of the world! If I ever get proposed to that would be the perfect way! 
     It was also Collen's last day so we took her last minute gift shopping and out to dinner.
Hunter, Collen, German Caroline, U.S. Caroline, and me at dinner! And yes that table is a fish tank
Here are the fish to prove it!
Actually it was just a really cool restaurant in general!
Bye Collen! I'm really going to miss you! Your so much fun, but also really smart! Thanks for sharing your experiences from running! Love this picture of you, 😜