Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 18 - Even more ruins!

Thursday July Sixteenth
     The Virgin Carmen festivities are still going on and so I actually got the whole day off today! It's amazing how strong the catholic culture is here!
      Anyway it was soooo nice to get to sleep in! I think I actually forgot what that felt like! 
      But after a relaxing morning me and German Caroline were ready to go do something so we decided to go explore yet more Incan ruins! Just for a change 😐
      However the ruins turned out not to be the most exciting part! The small town of Pisac where the Pisac ruins are accessible from was having this awesome celebration for the Virgin Carmen. We couldn't even get into the town on our bus because the streets were so full! However we were all to happy to get out and walk as the twisty narrow mountain roads we had taken to get there were quite sickening for poor Caroline!
Saw this crazy guy in a parade they were having. That mask though!
You can see the huge shrine they had to the virgin in the back of this shot (side note: do you have to capitalize virgin?!)
Seriously what's up with all the masks and beer!
Another tradition seemed to be to hang dead baby alpacas from your belt, which was very shocking.
    Anyway so then we had lunch and I got a sandwich. I don't know when I last ate a sandwich but it had been far, far too long! Certainly not since I've been here, no, I've really only eaten potatos, so many potatos! They are in everything here! I've completely gone off them as I just want to taste something else! Oh I will never again under appreciate two slices of bread with cheese and meat. It's the simple things. 
     While we were there Caroline saw a scarf she really liked and I then witnessed the best bartering I've ever seen. It was truly amazing.
    Caroline: "how much for this?"
    Seller: "80 soles"
    Caroline: looks unimpressed, "50"
    Seller: "70"
    Caroline: "55"
    Seller: "60"
    Caroline: with a forceful tone "55"
    Seller: "60"
    Caroline: with a very forceful tone "55"
    Seller: "Deal."
    I couldn't believe it, she halved the price! If that's not a prime example of German efficiency I don't know what is!
Caroline in her awesome scarf!

    Then instead of taking a taxi up to the ruins we decided to hike! I am so glad we decided to hike up! We got to use the ancient Incan paths that led up through their ancient farming terraces which were spectacular!
And the view! Those amazing Ande mountains!
You can see the festivities still going on down in the town square! We were so high up!
Those mountains though!
A place that is so amazing it really affects you!
Some of the ruins which were far less impressive than the terraces and the surrounding mountains, I didn't even get any really good pictures of them so found this one online.
So many stones!
Me watching the sun set over the golden valley. Wow, so, so beautiful!