Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 26 - Epiphany

Friday July Twenty-fourth
     The house just felt so empty this morning. Tommy, Hunter, German Caroline and her husband, and Lara have all gone. Lara only for a short trip to visit her boyfriend, but the rest permanently. It was just me and U.S. Caroline left, although I guess I don't need to distinguish between them anymore! How sad!
     My last day at work was also sad, I made my teacher and the teacher's assistant cards and got them cupcakes, and my teacher Jacky got me a cool Peruvian pencil case and the mom of the second most troubling kid in my class got me a really nice small shoulder bag and belt which was so nice of her. She probably knew how much patience it took! I then gave the kids each either a little toy car or a hair clip. It was so sad! I'd become really attached to them all, and I loved my job, kids are a never ending source of amusement, but it was also really satisfying to watch them learn and grow! It was also the last day of school for them before winter break and so I got dressed up yet again in traditional clothing and the whole school had a fiesta where we celebrated Peru's day of independence, which isn't actually until next week, so we had traditional dances and as per usual a ton of food. I didn't eat the food though as the traditional dress was tied really, really tightly!
Me and Jacky my classroom's teacher
Nataly and Adriana in adorable mini costumes!
Marcela and Nataly in matching costumes!
     In the evening I went out to a giant Artisan's market to get gifts for everyone back home as the local school were I had been teaching English had already started their winter break. Then I walked one last time back home, through the dirty rubbish filled streets lined with tiny shops where shopkeepers would try and sell you the same stuff as the next twenty stores. I had never really thought that much about poverty during this whole trip, seeing as my Kindergarten was so privileged, but I thought about it now as I was preparing to return to a first world country.
     So much of so many people's lives here is centered around survival. They have to constantly worry about where that next sol is coming from to pay for that next meal to give them energy for their next job to get that next sol for that next meal and so on and so on! It must seem like money is the most important thing in life.
     But the lack of money is not the most amazing thing I've seen here, it's how poverty brings people together, and how strong the communities are around here. How everyone looks out for everyone else. This kind of community centered society is exemplified in how they kiss each others cheeks when they greet, and are so warm and friendly to complete strangers like me! It's easy to think I'm better off than they are because I have an easier lifestyle, but I'm not sure that's necessarily true. In the U.S. as I'm sure it's true in other first world countries, since we have everything we could want and a seemingly infinite amount of time, we forget how important the simple things in life are and instead our lives are centered around the competitive need to be the most successful or the wealthiest. I've never really had any struggles or life changing experiences that put everything into perspective that are so common here, and because of that I don't think I know as well as people here what the value of life is, and I don't think I appreciate as much what's around us and what we have. It's a bit sad to think actually that the more you have the less you value it.
A picture from my pensive walk home.
       Me and Caroline talked a little more about MarĂ­a and we think that she just gets really really emotionally invested in people so that when things are going great they're going really great, and when they are bad she feels personally attacked to a degree that the other person never intended. Also she is just a really illogical person which doesn't help anything. So deep down she really does mean well but sometimes she gets so caught up in trying to do good that it ends up all bad.
       After dinner me and Caroline went out salsa dancing one last time to send me off and I was so sad and so happy at the same time! I really, really don't want to leave!
U.S. Caroline and me from another night :)