Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tuesday June 28th and Peruvians know how to throw a birthday party

Today I had an average morning and work day, but after I got done with work, me and Alison headed to Mono Sazรณn to help celebrate the birthday of Uziel's youngest sister, Gabby. Uziel actually has four sisters, and he's the second youngest. First we helped out Uziel's nephew Jean-Pierre blow up ballons and decorate, we had lots of fun kicking around the balloons like soccer balls. Then we went with him and Hernan to pick up the cake, I thought Hernan must be Uziel's sister Rosaria's husband but when I asked they told me he was Rosaria's half brother and I felt so bad! After letting me apologize profusely and feel bad that the entire way to get the cake I found out he was Rosaria's husband and they had just been tricking me!
Classic Alison
 Some of the cakes at the bakery where just amazing 
like this swan.
 While we were setting up a few of Katia's students, Diego, Dulce and
Yasquin showed up and they had brought us these ruins from the site
that we had visted a few weeks ago of the Wari. It was really nice of 
them to think of us and bring us something so precious.
The finished decorations. We had a delicious dinner of the staple
chicken rice and potatoes, but fancier than usual with family and
friends who were drinking pisco sour a local delicacy.

Katia and her sister in law Gabby

Jean Pierre teaching Alison how to dance the local Cumbia dance.
 Me and Jonathon who tried (and failed) to teach me. 
It was pretty late by the time we went home, but we were in
such a good mood that Alison and Katia had to stop to make
friends with this group of dogs.