Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 24 - Come Back Hunter!

Wednesday July Twenty-second
      Hunter left today. At four in the morning but I woke up to say goodbye. I feel like I know her so well even though we've only spent four weeks together but I guess that's what happens when you spend 24-7 together! Haha! She's one of the funniest, smartest people I know! I'm going to miss her so much :(
However there is already a new volunteer in her spot!
   Lara: A German eighteen year old who is on her first trip out of Europe. She seems really nice, but very quiet and reserved. She dresses very conservatively. Her boyfriend is a Peruvian guy she met a week ago in Aeroquipa (another region of Peru), when he was her Spanish teacher, he's ten years her senior. Although she seems very sure he's legit, I can't help feeling like something is wrong. I guess I've just been warned so much about getting romantically involved with a guy down here.
   I felt like I was sleepwalking the whole time during work this morning, as I was exhausted from being sick and not having eaten enough recently. Although I did have a small breakfast this morning which was good. I mostly just sat motionless at my desk and yelled at any kids that needed it from across the room. Not that they really listen to me anyway.
     Then I ate a little lunch and went back to the local school in the afternoon to help the Englishteacher, Lara came along even though her actual work was in the morning in the orphanage. She, like everyone else is unsatisfied with her work as she too feels useless, and was looking for another work.
     She enjoyed it but in truth her thick German accent did make it hard for her to teach pronunciation!
     The teacher had a meeting after our first class so me and Lara went for a walk to a market where the meat section was something out of a horror movie, but the fruit smoothies were amazing! 
    We made it back with plenty of time before our next class, but the teacher didn't show up on time!
    We waited and waited, and talked to the very curious kids about our life in the U.S. and soccer, but still no teacher! We eventually realized she wasn't coming.
    So I took charge and taught the class! It was an awesome experience! I found it really natural and easy to teach. The only thing was that it was really hard to keep the kids attention, seriously the teacher sees everything so easily, there's no inconspicuousy like you think as a student! This one girl and boy of about fourteen spent the whole time attacking each other, I think they were flirting.
     We went out to dinner but I barely ate anything again, and then sleep! Oh if I've learned nothing about poverty or a different cultures, I've certainly learnt the importance of sleep! 

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