Friday, June 17, 2016

June 13th and we lose a Musketeer

Today Nicole is leaving, which is crazy. Even though we've actually only known each other for a little over a week, when you spend twenty four hours a day together you still get to know them really well. She's spunky and confident and always stands up for what she wants which we all rely on now whenever we go out anywhere. She's feeling terrible though and her grandma and mom have been researching webMD and have come to all kinds of ghastly conclusions and want her home ASAP. It was so hard to say goodbye but we're already planning a reunion!

Joyce teaches us the basics of ballet

I woke up feeling refreshed from the weekend, but my morning job at Gunter Grass was meh. Eleonora is gone! Which is so sad. In her place a teacher called Jacky has just returned after having a baby. However she only had one class this morning and it wasn't until 11 so I said that I might be able to help out in a math class. The math class turned out to be more of a lecture and I was no help. It was pretty interesting though as the class was geometry, but because no one has a calculator in the school they don't use SOH CAH TOA and instead find everything out by drawing different shapes and moving angles around. It can get very complicated! The last class I had was an English lesson with the talkative, late thirties Jacky and I finally thought I could be useful. However instead of being able to help with pronunciation she put on CD which had another American say the words. I didn't mind too much but I spent the entire day feeling entirely useless. I even considered switching jobs.

In the afternoon I went to INABIF and spent a lot of my time teaching English and playing chess. While playing with one kid, if he started to lose he would make up rules that he would assure me is 'how they play in Peru' such as that the pawn can move sideways or the horse diagonally. Or that in Check you can't move any piece on the board except your king! However at the end he told me I was a real expert and offered me his chess set which was so touching! I told him he should keep it so he could practice and work up to beating me.

When we returned home Alison didn't feel well and went to sleep, while a miscommunication with Rudy meant that Joyce didn't have a Spanish lesson when she thought she did. There have been a lot of miscommunications lately. When Nicole was leaving, Rudy thought Joyce was Nicole and told her he would take her to the airport for her 5 o'clock flight. He then banged on the door at 5 am, waking them all up even though the flight was at 5 pm - and waking them up at 5am would have been too late to catch a 5am flight anyway!

After a dinner of bread Joyce and I went back up to my room. Things had gotten a lot worse for Alison. She had a fever and was super nauseous. She said it felt like food poisoning. Joyce said she had had the same thing a few days ago and had spent the next day throwing up at least six times. Yikes! Also none of the family had noticed she was sick which kind of sucked. I went and got Merilyn who went and got Rudy who went and got some antibiotics and Gatorade which was nice of him. After a long call to Alison's drug developer mom Alison decided to take Cipro. By this point I was starting to feel like Alison, only I was only a few hours behind so I took Cipro too in the hopes of being better tomorrow.

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