Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 15 and we move

Today is moving day to the new host family. We wouldn't move until the afternoon but I packed up in anticipation in the morning and went to work. The teachers here are much more strict than in the US! The students have to follow strict rules even in my art class. I also got to help out in the kindergarten which was so cute! The kids were adorable! One boy named Thiago asked me to make a crab out of clay, and once I figured out that cangrejo meant crab, I did, and he made up a whole story about a crab and a turtle which was so cute!

The three year olds
My crab
Alison gets her hair braided. The kids keep asking why her hair is such a strange color!

We had lunch with the family, which was awkward, then went to INABIF. I made the mistake of letting one of the kids ride on my back and then for the rest of the time mobs of eager kids followed me around wanting me to "Cargo yo!", "Cargo yo!" Carry me! Carry me! By the end I felt like an old grandma with a broken back and my arms were really sore!

Then we went home and said our goodbyes, said thanks for having us, and nervously we got a taxi to our new home.

The view from our new house

Our new home is a car wash. Literally the building that houses our new host family, Katia and Uziel, is right next to where they wash the cars. It's a two story house with no wifi and cold water, but Katia and Uziel are soooo nice! We live in a detached bedroom, but eat all together.

Joyce decends the hellish stairs
Our door doesn't close! Yikes! Not even Uziel (our new host dad) can get it closed

For dinner we went to the restaurant of Uziel's mother, which is called Mono Sazon where we met one of his four sisters, her two kids, his nephew, his nephew in spirit, and Mama Dorris, the matriarch of the family and owner of the restaurant. Everyone was incredibly nice and I already feel like part of the family!

After dinner we went home and had coffee in the small kitchenette and Uziel and Katia taught us a local salsa-like dance called Cumbia which was so fun! Joyce who's been taking ballet classes for 12 years also taught us the basics of ballet which was so fun!

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